demosys.effects package


demosys.effects.effect module

class demosys.effects.effect.Effect

Bases: object

Effect base class.

The following attributes are injected by demosys before initialization:

  • window_width (int): Window width in pixels
  • window_height (int): Window height in pixels
  • window_aspect (float): Aspect ratio of the resolution
  • sys_camera ( The system camera responding to inputs

Convert to mat3 and return inverse transpose. These are normally needed when dealing with normals in shaders.

Parameters:modelview – The modelview matrix
Returns:Normal matrix
create_projection(fov=75.0, near=1.0, far=100.0, ratio=None)

Create a projection matrix with the following parameters.

  • fov – Field of view (float)
  • near – Camera near value
  • far – Camrea far value
  • ratio – Aspect ratio of the window

The projection matrix

create_transformation(rotation=None, translation=None)

Convenient transformation method doing rotations and translation

draw(time, frametime, target)

Draw function called by the system every frame.

  • time – The current time in seconds (float)
  • frametime – The number of milliseconds the frame is expected to take
  • target – The target FBO for the effect

Get a shader or schedule the shader for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty shader object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the shader in the virtual shader directory
Returns:Shader object

Get a shader or schedule the texture for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty texture object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the texture in the virtual texture directory
Returns:Texture object

Get or create a rocket track. This only makes sense when using rocket timers. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty track object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:name – The rocket track name
Returns:Track object
name = ''
sys_camera = None
window_aspect = 0
window_height = 0
window_width = 0

Decorator auto binding and releasing the incoming FBO in draw().

literal blocks:

 def draw(...):
     # draw stuff

demosys.effects.managers module

class demosys.effects.managers.BaseEffectManger

Bases: object

Base effect manager. A manager is responsible for figuring out what effect should be drawn at any given time.

draw(time, frametime, target)

Called by the system every frame. This method should be overridden.

  • time – The current time in seconds
  • frametime – The time one frame should take in seconds
  • target – The target FBO
key_event(key, scancode, action, mods)

Forwarded (unconsumed) key events from the system. See glfw’s key events for detailed information.

  • key – The keyboard key that was pressed or released.
  • scancode – The system-specific scancode of the key.
  • mods – Bit field describing which modifier keys were held down.

Called after resources are loaded. This method should be overridden.


Called after OpenGL context creation before resources are loaded. This method should be overridden.

exception demosys.effects.managers.ManagerError

Bases: Exception

class demosys.effects.managers.SingleEffectManager(effect_module=None)

Bases: demosys.effects.managers.BaseEffectManger

Run a single effect

draw(time, frametime, target)
key_event(key, scancode, action, mods)

Initialize the effect that should run.

class demosys.effects.managers.TrackerEffectManager

Bases: demosys.effects.managers.BaseEffectManger

Effect manager handling tracker data

demosys.effects.registry module

class demosys.effects.registry.EffectConfig(module=None, cls=None)

Bases: object

exception demosys.effects.registry.EffectError

Bases: Exception

class demosys.effects.registry.Effects

Bases: object

Registry for effects. This also collects what resources effects are using so we can use this in resource loading later on.


Get all effect directories for registered effects.


Find and return an effect class in a module

Parameters:module_name – Name of the module
Returns:module, cls tuple

Find all effect modules.

Parameters:effect_list – List of effect module paths

Module contents