
The file must be present in your project and contains (you guessed right!) settings for the framework. This is pretty much identical to Django.


Using these values you are sure it will run on all platforms. OS X only support forward compatible core contexts. This will bump you to the latest version you drivers support.

    "version": (4, 1),
    "profile": "core",
    "forward_compat": True,

The default opengl version is 4.1. Some older systems might need that tuned down to 3.3, but generally 4.1 is widely supported.


Window properties. If you are using Retina display, be aware that these values refer to the virual size. The actual buffer size will be 2 x.

    "size": (1280, 768),
    "vsync": True,
    "resizable": False,
    "fullscreen": False,
    "title": "demosys-py",
    "cursor": False,


If MUSIC is defined, demosys will attempt to play. (We have only tried mp3 files!)


Getting audio to work requires additional setup.

PROJECT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
MUSIC = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resources/music/tg2035.mp3')


This is the timer class that controls time in your project. This defaults to demosys.timers.Timer that is simply keeps track of system time using glfw.

TIMER = 'demosys.timers.Timer'

Other timers are:

  • demosys.timers.MusicTimer requires MUSIC to be defined and will use the current time in an mp3.
  • demosys.timers.RocketTimer is the same as the default timer, but uses uses the rocket library.
  • demosys.timers.RocketMusicTimer requires MUSIC and ROCKET to be configured.


Configuration of the pyrocket sync-tracker library.

  • rps: Number of rows per second
  • mode: The mode to run the rocket client - editor: Requires a rocket editor to run so the library can connect to it - project: Loads the project file created by the editor and plays it back - files: Loads the binary track files genrated by the client through remote export in the editor.
  • project_file: The absolute path to the project file
  • files: The absolute path to the directory containing binary track data
    "rps": 24,
    "mode": "editor",
    "files": None,
    "project_file": None,


Effect packages demosys will initialize and use (Same as apps in Django).



DIRS contains absolute paths the FileSystemFinder will look for shader while EffectDirectoriesFinder will look for shaders in all registered effects in the order they were added.

The FileSystemFinder will look in all paths specified in SHADER_DIRS. All paths must be absolute (just join on PROJECT_DIR). This is a good way to add project-global shaders used by multiple effecst.

    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resources/shaders'),



Same principle as SHADER_DIRS and SHADER_FINDERS.

# Hardcoded paths to shader dirs
    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resource/textures'),

# Finder classes


Absolute path to the directory screenshots will be saved. If not defined or the directory don’t exist, the current working directory will be used.

SCREENSHOT_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'screenshots')