
Effect documentation. Write more stuff here!

class demosys.effects.effect.Effect

Effect base class.

The following attributes are injected by demosys before initialization:

  • window_width (int): Window width in pixels
  • window_height (int): Window height in pixels
  • window_aspect (float): Aspect ratio of the resolution
  • sys_camera (demosys.scene.camera.Camera): The system camera responding to inputs

Convert to mat3 and return inverse transpose. These are normally needed when dealing with normals in shaders.

Parameters:modelview – The modelview matrix
Returns:Normal matrix
create_projection(fov=75.0, near=1.0, far=100.0, ratio=None)

Create a projection matrix with the following parameters.

  • fov – Field of view (float)
  • near – Camera near value
  • far – Camrea far value
  • ratio – Aspect ratio of the window

The projection matrix

create_transformation(rotation=None, translation=None)

Convenient transformation method doing rotations and translation

draw(time, frametime, target)

Draw function called by the system every frame.

  • time – The current time in seconds (float)
  • frametime – The number of milliseconds the frame is expected to take
  • target – The target FBO for the effect

Get a shader or schedule the shader for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty shader object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the shader in the virtual shader directory
Returns:Shader object

Get a shader or schedule the texture for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty texture object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the texture in the virtual texture directory
Returns:Texture object

Get or create a rocket track. This only makes sense when using rocket timers. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty track object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:name – The rocket track name
Returns:Track object

Decorator auto binding and releasing the incoming FBO in draw().

literal blocks:

 def draw(...):
     # draw stuff