
In order to draw something to the screen using this framework you need to make one or multiple effects. what these effects are doing is entirely up to you. Some like to put everything into one effect and switch what they draw by flipping some internal states, but this is probably not practical for more complex things.

An effect is a class with references to resources and a method for drawing. An effect is an independent python package of specific format.

The Effect Package

The effect package should have the following structure (assuming our effect is named “cube”.

├── effect.py
├── shaders
│   └── cube
│       └── ...
└── textures
    └── cube
        └── ...

The effect.py module is where the draw logic for the effect resides. Directories at the same level are for resources for the effect. Notice that the resource directories contains another directory with the name of the effect. This is because these folders are added to a virtual directory (for each resource type) so we should place it in a directory to reduce the change of name collisions. Two effects with the texture texture.png in the root of their local textures/ directory will cause the first effect to


For an effect to be recognised by the system it has to be registered in the EFFECTS tuple/list in your settings module. Simply add the full python path to the package. If our cube example above resides inside a myproject project package we need to add the string myproject.cube. See Settings.

You can always run a single effect by using the runeffect command.

./manage.py runeffect myproject.cube

If you have multiple effects you need to crate or use an existing Effect Managers that will decide what effect would be active at what time or state.


Resource loading is baked into the effect class it self. Methods are inherited from the base Effect class such as get_shader and get_texture.

Remember that you can also create global resource directories for all the effects in your projects as well. This can be achieved by configuring resource finders in Settings.

The Effect Module

The effect module in an effect package needs to be named effect.py and reside in the root of the package. It can only contain a single effect class. The name of the class doesn’t matter right now, but we are considering allowing multiple effects in the future, so giving it at least a descriptive name of that it represents is a good idea.

There are two important methods in an effect: - __init__() - draw()

The initializer is called before resources are loaded. This is so the effects can register the what resources they need. The resource managers will return an empty object that will be populated when loading starts.

The draw method is called by the framework or from a your custom Effect Managers ever frame, or at least every frame the manager decides the effect should be active at least.

The standard effect example:

from demosys.effects import effect
from demosys.opengl import geometry
from OpenGL import GL
# from pyrr import matrix44

class DefaultEffect(effect.Effect):
    """Generated default effect"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.shader = self.get_shader("default/default.glsl")
        self.cube = geometry.cube(4.0, 4.0, 4.0)

    def draw(self, time, frametime, target):

        # Rotate and translate
        m_mv = self.create_transformation(rotation=(time * 1.2, time * 2.1, time * 0.25),
                                          translation=(0.0, 0.0, -8.0))

        # Apply the rotation and translation from the system camera
        # m_mv = matrix44.multiply(m_mv, self.sys_camera.view_matrix)

        # Create normal matrix from model-view
        m_normal = self.create_normal_matrix(m_mv)

        # Draw the cube
        with self.cube.bind(self.shader) as shader:
            shader.uniform_mat4("m_proj", self.sys_camera.projection)
            shader.uniform_mat4("m_mv", m_mv)
            shader.uniform_mat3("m_normal", m_normal)

The parameters in the draw effect is:

  • time: The current time reported by our configured Timer in seconds.
  • frametime: The time a frame is expected to take in seconds. This is useful when you cannot use time. Should be avoided.
  • target is the target FBO of the effect

Time can potentially move at any speed or direction so it’s good practice to make sure the effect can run when time is moving in any direction.

The bind_target decorator is useful when you want to ensure that an FBO passed to the effect is bound on entry and released on exit. By default a fake FBO is passed in representing the window framebuffer. EffectManagers can be used to pass in your own FBOs or another effect can call draw(..) requesting the result to end up in the FBO it passes in and then use this FBO as a texture on a cube.

Effect Base Class

class demosys.effects.effect.Effect

Effect base class.

The following attributes are injected by demosys before initialization:

  • window_width (int): Window width in pixels
  • window_height (int): Window height in pixels
  • window_aspect (float): Aspect ratio of the resolution
  • sys_camera (demosys.scene.camera.Camera): The system camera responding to inputs

Convert to mat3 and return inverse transpose. These are normally needed when dealing with normals in shaders.

Parameters:modelview – The modelview matrix
Returns:Normal matrix
create_projection(fov=75.0, near=1.0, far=100.0, ratio=None)

Create a projection matrix with the following parameters.

  • fov – Field of view (float)
  • near – Camera near value
  • far – Camrea far value
  • ratio – Aspect ratio of the window

The projection matrix

create_transformation(rotation=None, translation=None)

Convenient transformation method doing rotations and translation

draw(time, frametime, target)

Draw function called by the system every frame.

  • time – The current time in seconds (float)
  • frametime – The number of milliseconds the frame is expected to take
  • target – The target FBO for the effect

Get a shader or schedule the shader for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty shader object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the shader in the virtual shader directory
Returns:Shader object

Get a shader or schedule the texture for loading. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty texture object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:path – Path to the texture in the virtual texture directory
Returns:Texture object

Get or create a rocket track. This only makes sense when using rocket timers. If the resource is not loaded yet, an empty track object is returned that will be populated later.

Parameters:name – The rocket track name
Returns:Track object



Decorator auto binding and releasing the incoming FBO in draw().

literal blocks:

 def draw(...):
     # draw stuff