
In order to actually render something to the screen you need to make one or multiple effects. What these effects are doing is entirely up to you. Effects have methods for fetching loaded resources and existing effect instances. Effects can also create new instances of effects if needed. This would happend during initialization.

Effect examples can be found in the examples directory in the root of the repository.

The Effect Package

The effect package should have the following structure (assuming our effect is named “cube”).

├── effects.py
├── dependencies.py
└── resources
    └── programs
        └── cube
            └── cube.glsl
    └── textures
    └── scenes
    └── data

The effects.py module can contain one or multiple effects. The effect package can also have no effects and all and only provide resources for other effects to use. The effects.py module is still required to be present.


The dependencies.py module is required to be present. It describes its own resources and what effect packages it may depend on.


from demosys.resources.meta import ProgramDescription

effect_packages =

resources = [
    ProgramDescription(label='cube_plain', path='cube_plain.glsl'),

Resources are given labels and effects can fetch them by this label. When adding effect package dependencies we make the system aware of this package so their resources are also loaded. The effects in the depending package will also be registered in the system and can be instantiated.


The resources directory contains fixed directory names where resources of specific types are supposed to be located. When an effect package is loaded paths to these directories are added so the system can find them.


Notice that the resource directories contains another sub-directory with the same name as the effect package. This is because these folders are by default added to a project wide search path (for each resource type), so we should place it in a directory to reduce the chance of a name collisions.

Having resources in the effect package itself is entirely optional. Resources can be located anywhere you want as long as you tell the system where they can be found. This is covered in Settings.

Reasons to have resources in effect packages is to create an independent resuable effect package you could even distribute. Also when a project grows with lots of effect packages it can be nice to keep the effect specific resources in the effect package they belong to instead of putting all resources for the entire project in the same location.

The Effect base class have methods avaiable for fetching loaded resources. See the demosys.effects.Effect